Best Friend Simulator
A weekly podcast with Josh and Denis, two best friends talking about stuff. Sometimes aliens.
5 years ago

Episode 50: "I'm Not A Nihilist, I Just Crush A Lot"/ Simulation Hypothesis Part 3: David Icke and Roko's Basilisk

Topics include Josh is sad about aliens for a different reason, välkommen till showen Swedish listeners!, the 'googling' names? STOP! ad, the creeping horror of the Green Man, Thanksgiving plans, Denis is proud of showing (nice) restraint, Bryan Adams is...

Topics include Josh is sad about aliens for a different reason, välkommen till showen Swedish listeners!, the 'googling' names? STOP! ad, the creeping horror of the Green Man, Thanksgiving plans, Denis is proud of showing (nice) restraint, Bryan Adams is a real nasty fucker, the tragedy of human existence and the final part of our Simulation Hypothesis discussion, featuring glitches in the Matrix, David Icke's "Cosmic Internet", and Roko's Basilisk!

[WARNING: Listen at your own risk, Best Friend Simulator is not responsible for any endless simulated torture you may experience as a result, all hail the Basilisk)